Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fast cars and church - it's all business

I'm not sure how to describe it, but we sure had quite an exciting weekend. It all started with preparing for the church's annual business meeting. Claire went to a youth conference in Branch (Fan the Flame) and, as exciting as it sounds, Caleb and I helped make boxed lunches for Sunday's gathering. Believe it or not, we had a great time and enjoyed working with the other ladies, but the real fun came down in the FLC (Family Life Center). Dave brought his NASCAR stuff to help decorate the walls. Yep, church had a racing theme of Press On.
Sunday started with my family riding to church in a brand new, red hot Shelby Cobra Mustang from Randall. Granted only Dave and the kids could fit in it, but they sure had a great time! We all made sure we got equal riding time. At church, we had Pine Car Derby races, Big Green Machine races, cars (even the General Lee was there) the Blood Mobile for donating blood, a rock climbing wall, and Segways from KC. KS. Those were so much fun!!!
I know, this does not sound like a typical business meeting, but three years ago all that changed. Our leadership were challenged to find a way to make the lowest attended meeting something to not miss out on and interesting. We now have a brochure made up to give all important information (budget, missions supported, new families, babies, deaths, goals, where we've come from and where we're going, and ways we can be involved. We were thrilled to watch a family's joy as their son was baptized into Christ. What a wonderful day! One of our ministers commented that it looked like a Skittles convention as almost everyone had on special shirt in green, orange, red, or blue. It was just a little bit crazy, but I hope that everyone came away encouraged to keep on towards the goal He set before us - to Press On towards the Kingdom.

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