Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting kids to read: Books and sports magazines


I've found that Youngest is the BIGGEST book lover in our family and will re-read books several times. He was able to discuss  a 4-movie sequel with an adult friend even though he'd only seen the first movie.  When asked about how he knew about the story plot and little details, he replied "I read the books!"  It did our hearts proud that day, but Youngest has been reading since he was 3 and was on a 5-6th grade level when he was 5.  He lives adventures through reading all the time and can really get lost in a book, whether it is fiction or non-fiction.

For us, Youngest has been the easiest reader, though Only can usually be found with a book in her lap or beside her bed.  But yet, it is Oldest that we struggled. He would rather be outside playing baseball or shooting hoops rather than read a book - especially one without pictures.  Sadly, reading is still not one of his favorite things to do, but we have caught him with books and there for a while, his Christmas book gift cards were spent on animal encyclopedias or sports books. Oldest is very much like Honey, who rarely reads unless it is for Bible Study or work. He's 17 now and has had to read his share of "classics" in English classes, though I've questioned what made some of them classics.  His ACT English scores are much lower and  I'm sure it is because of his dislike for reading.  I don't have a magic formula to get kids to read, though I wish I did.

There are Christian sports magazines out there and one specifically that we are familiar with - Sports Spectrum.  A friend I worked with in the inner-city back East, contributed some articles for Sports Spectrum many years ago and introduced us to it.  I have enjoyed reading their articles and  the positive way they used their talents for Him. I highly recommend it to sports minded kids and families with so much negative stuff going on out there. When your child is finished with the magazine, if he/she doesn't wear it out, pass it on to another friend, dr. office, or even your church library!  When you get a chance, check them out a great positive sports magazine with a focus on Christ and a great Mission Statement:
Sports Spectrum magazine seeks to highlight Christian athletes of all sports and levels to help motivate, encourage and inspire people in their faith through the exciting and challenging world of sports.

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1 comment:

Betty said...

Nice article. Just keeping kids reading is a challenge. I've found that comic books works really well at certain ages. My neice just informed me that she is waiting for a new Disney comic book to come out in April called Disney Fairies: Prilla’s Talent. She can hardly wait to read about Prilla's adventures.