Saturday, October 27, 2012

(Can I Say "Proud"?)

Honey and I took Oldest and Only to our local favorite resale shop for some "new" jeans and a few winter shirts for Youngest. Oldest had literally worn more than a few holes in his favorite jeans and they were NOT fixable. We probably bought close to $350 worth of clothes (jeans and winter shirts), for a small fraction of that.

While there, Only found few cute top and black and white jacket. Always puts a smile on her face to find something cute and fashionable at a great price. While waiting on Honey near the register, I felt her beside me, and saw she had a funny look on her face.

"Mom, when I put my hands in the pocket, look what I found." She held out her hand to show me a packet of empty kids gum, a receipt with a credit card number on it, and a $5 bill.

I didn't prompt, coach, or give her a lesson in ethics, but I waited to see what she was going to do. A sales person approached and asked if we were ready and that's when I was proud. She explained what had happened and gave it all to the lady. The lady didn't comment about Only turning it in, but took the money and credited the person's acct whom had brought it in for resale.

I'm thankful for her honesty and doing the right thing. Sure do love this girl!


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