Tonight it was "The Blind Side," which we've seen more than a dozen times, but still cannot decide which one part is our favorite. It was good to laugh and remember, to be sad, and to learn. But must important we sat together to enjoy. There have been times I've walked into the livingroom to see all three kids laughing and talking, watching "The Blind Side," "Remember the Titans", or "Facing the Giants". It's not that we are huge fans of football movies, but these are tried and true favorites.
Last week, we watched "The Help" for the first time. And we cried and laughed. What matters and what I love is the time spent together and the laughs or tears... Well, those are just extras cause "You is smart... You is kind... You is important." so many lessons to be learned from that Movie. But those chocolate brownies where a HOOT!
Couple weeks ago we watched Mamma Mia again... Now that movie makes me want to get up and dance (but I don't)! We love watching the DIY Network with all their Crasher shows (Bath, Kitchen, Yards, Room...) What a time to dream! It's the time we spend - that's what I love. If we pick a chick movie, the guys steer clear!!! Our time together to talk, laugh, cry, be comfy, and veg. Love spending time with my girl. Times to treasure.
This week, we coloring each other's hair. Only will cover my gray, I'll re-highlight that which has grown out on hers. Usually we have quite a few laughs, but it always makes me a big scared that I'll do something wrong it will turn out really weird.
What kind of activities do you do with a specific person in your house - maybe a movie, or talking while fixing a meal, going for a soda, or just being there?
I love this post. Good thing I didn't read this yesterday as I was having a "moment" of teared eyes. Well, actually more than a moment. More like a day. Due to the lack of "I love it when". Seeking support from Mom's missing their daughters.
I love this post as well. I love watching your precious relationship with only. And good thing I didn't read this yesterday as well since I was fighting tears all day cause my little ones are growing too fast.
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