Monday, March 9, 2009

Love Dare

This morning as I was reading in The Love Dare, I was struck by the thought about how much this not only applies to my husband, but to my children as well.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
It states that love is built on two pillars, patience and kindness, that best define it. I know that I'm an impatient person and it probably shows daily with the ones I should show love to the most - my children. The Love Dare states: The irony of anger toward a wrongful action is that it spawns new wrongs of its own... It usually generates additional problems. But patience stops problems in their tracks. Anger is usually caused when the strong desire for something is mixed with disappointment or grief. It is often an emotional reaction that flows out of our own selfishness, foolishness, or evil motives. As I was reading this morning, I knew I was in for it! I'm not sure if Satan is testing me today or what, but I'm biting my lip a lot and I'm particularly guilty when it comes to my children and the student that I am teaching. I'm impatient when I have to repeat things a couple of times, when they don't mind or do what they know they should (aka: chores, helping out around the house, or even stuff that we do every day). I struggle with this daily, sometimes hourly. I'm struggling with this word Patient as I type and teach. So this makes me wonder what is my problem? It goes on to say that Patience makes us wise, and that we listen to what the other person is saying. That we wait to see the whole picture before passing judgment. Today I'm not really feeling wise, but I'm feeling anxious. I'm so thankful that God is full of Grace because I really need His grace and love today. I don't so much struggle with this toward Honey, but he may struggle with this in regards to me! I think there should be a Love Dare for Parents towards their children... I would be one of the first to buy a copy and start working on it. I'm definitely going to do some more praying at lunch than I did at breakfast!
See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another" 1Thessalonians 5:15
Oh God, Please give me an extra measure of grace this day and this week as I continue to struggle with giving up myself and learn to love others more.


Lorie said...

I need to read that book. It sounds like it would tie in well with the sermons, my pastor has been doing.

Anonymous said...

You are right! This book does not only apply to husbands but just about everyone we come in contact with. It certainly is an eye opener and not so easy to do!

(Your blog is pretty.)

Flourchild said...

Your such a great mom..I will pray for you and's a hard one.
I was at my class last night and was reminded of our kid's brains and how they don't fully develop in the judgement area(front of the brain) until the ages the emotional part of the brain takes over and that is why we need to be PATIENT!!! My 15 year old daughter had a meltdown before school a few days ago and I just remainded calm as ever and kept going over in my mind her brain is not developed her,her brain is not developed =)) helped and she calmed down and was fine.

Flourchild said...

You must plant some BB plants! I did this past summer..not sure if they will still be alive after this dreadfull winter of ours.
I think you will lOVE that BB cake recipe, it's a winner!
Thanks for the comment on my blog it's always a joy to here from you.

Brooke said...

i'm an impatient person also. those have been the most difficult dares for me - holding my tongue, not getting upset.