My Piggy Tales journey continues...
We left Okinawa by DC 7 jet on Aug 8, 1967, I was just a little over 1 yr. old. and arrived in Tulsa, OK on Aug 8 at midnight. We had gone back in time because of the Time zones! Crazy isn't it? Mom said she was most anxious to have real cows milk again after having only powdered milk the whole time they were in Okinawa. I was able to meet aunt, uncles, cousins, and grandparents for the first time, but I didn't get to spend much time with them because we left just two months later for North Quincy, MA was our second home.
Mom says we used to carry around a rug that looked like a Tiger. I remember its mouth always being open - like it was going to eat us. She said when I was 2, they got us a hamster - Bryan and I thought it was a mouse so we named it "Mickey Mouse." Because I was so young, I don't have a ton of memories of Boston, but the ones I do have are "snapshots" here and there. Mom says that when I was little, my brother, Bryan was my best playmate and friend when we were little, and that continued throughout our growing up years.
I remember having a friend I used to play with, who wore an eye patch to correct a lazy eye. My mom said that one time, my brother and I wandered away somehow from home... ended up next to a extremely busy freeway. Must have gotten flogged over that one! No wonder my mother was tired!
One thing I remember very fondly was visiting a lighthouse on the ocean, near Plymouth Rock, simply because there was always an Irish Setter that always came over to our picnic spot and played with us. (picture at right is me at 2 years old).
I believe we were there for about 2 years before we moved back to S.E. Kansas (very close to the OK border), and moved into a house that my mother still owns to this day. I have many fond memories of that home. Living right across the street from my maternal grandparents, proved to be a wonderful blessing for me, though it may not have been so great for them. I remember the 1900's house was small - 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen/dining room, and NO bathroom or running water.
My mother still has the outhouse, now used as a tool shed. I hated it in the summer because there were wasp and the winter it was freezing cold. I was always afraid of falling in or that there was something hiding down there and would pull me down as I sat in our one holer (what was I thinking that something could survive in the mess of poo). The worst was running out of toilet paper and no one could hear you hollering. We had a smoke house out back that we stored stuff in. I remember getting shocked by the old fashioned phone we had, we had party lines at that time. My brother and I had bunkbeds and took baths in the kitchen in a large metal wash tub with water we had drawn from the cistern off the back porch. I thought everyone lived like this until I went to Kindergarten... Boy was I wrong!
Because we lived in such a small rural community, I rode the bus to Caney (almost an hour's ride for us) to get to school, and I had the same bus driver from Kindergarten until I graduated high school. A few things from Kindergarten: Naps on mats, reading Dick and Jane, my first kiss (on the teeter totters), and the terror that the triplets were to all there. I think everyone was scared of them as they ruled the playground and that next year they gave most of the whole 1st grade Chickenpox. Many of us still shudder when we think of them! Can you pick me out from the class picture? (Look on the 4th row, 3rd girl from the left). That was the year that Mom took me to Walmart and I picked out a yellow parakeet, Pretty Bird, as a pet. It lived until after I went to college - thought it was never going to die!
Do you have any favorite memories of when you little that you can share?
Maybe your memory is like mine and it's a little fuzzy, but in the next 13 weeks, I'll be sharing more tidbits and stories of my life growing up. I'm glad you stopped by and made it all the way through today's post! I hope you'll come back or visit the link and see what Piggy Tales others have written for their children.
If for some reason you missed any of the previous weeks, you can find them here:
Your kids are going to love these - and the photograhps are so fun. Great job, Lynnet.
And you reminded me how much I loved Dick and Jane (and Sally, and Spot and Puff . . .) I have a few of those old primers.
What a fun growing up experience...not at the time I'm sure (at least the outhouse), but I'll bet your stories are so much fun to listen to!
Thanks for sharing. I think I'll be extra grateful for indoor plumbing from now on!
I love these old memories. I am sure the outhouse wasn't so great but how neat to go back to your childhood home each time you visit your mom!!
This is great...I am enjoying this trip down memory lane as I record mine and visit others post.
I love the party line phone, so remember that! My grandparents had those up into my teenage years. How wonderful to be able to grow up with your grandparents near by...a true blessing.
I wouldn't like the outhouse either! Even just today, my daughter had to use the port-a-potty at the park we went to and I almost threw up!
Awesome memories. Your "modern conveniences" might seem quaint, but they make your memories seem so much more real to yourself & others. I didn't have my grandparents close by, so I'll enjoy hearing how they were a part of your life. Thanks!
That's funny she still has the outhouse! Memories like that are the best. I'm afraid our current generation isn't going to have any "hard times" to tell about! (Or else it's going to be very interesting to find out what they think of as hard times!) The time change always freaks me out when I think about it. So cool you got to live around the world.
Your early days sound a lot like my moms. I'm so glad I missed the days of outhouses, port a pottys are bad enough!
I could look at photos like that all day!
How neat that your bus driver was the same your whole life!
Those sound like some fun and interesting memories!
We live in Guam and I can relate to the going 'back in time' as we will when we go back home to the states- my mom recently visited and arrived back home 'only 2 hours' after she had left! And I also look forward to normal milk, though we don't drink powdered here, it is a sweeter milk due to Ultra-pasteruization which gives it longer shelf life. That was a big issue for me when we first got here!!
And I too had a gerbil named Mickey- after the main mouse- as a child!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Congratulations for surviving outdoor plumbing! It's really my greatest fear. I've had to use outhouses in some of the countries I've visited, so I feel extra blessed to have grown up with indoor plumbing. I love that your brother was your playmate. I can see that in my girls. I'm excited for more details on your growing up your life sounds full of adventures!
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