Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Something Possitive

Monday   Does that word bring you dread or anticipation?  What is it about that word that makes us groan? 

I knew the day would be frantic or at least terribly busy.  Disregard the fact that it was Monday, but I had a new little one, a 7 month old chubby baby, joining our crew.  I wasn't sure how it was going to work with The Princess, homeschooling, and everything...

But when my eyes popped open at 5:45 (argh!  45 minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off) my first thought was "Lord, please help me find something positive in this day."

Let me tell you how God wrangled my day!

The Princess arrived 20 minutes later, which allowed me to clean up the mess in the kitchen from the weekend. Only got up early and I was able to vacuum before everyone arrived (hate to do it while she's sleeping), and start a load of clothes.  I think they are still there.

Both girls took a nap at the exact same time and we were able to get our science experiment on Chemical Reaction completed with little interruptions and much fun!  Who knew you could have so much fun with cabbage, vinegar, and balloons! Fixed dinner during lunch, so I was feeling pretty good at that point, if we could just get through school with no tears. 

 Whew!  Made it till 4 p.m.  Time to relax... No wait - the student I tutor just pulled into the driveway... After that, a quick dinner and then Boy Scout meeting in town... 

What was the blessing in the day?  The girls napped AND later had dirty diapers at the same time, the science experiment actually turned out the way it was supposed to, Only (she's my right hand girl and knows what needs to be done without being asked), a short meeting, glorious rain to soothe our dry area, and a short meeting.  I'm so thankful that God turned a day I dreaded into something to enjoy.  It may take us a while to get our schedules in sync.

Tuesday?  I was nothing like yesterday and it was a struggle from the beginning, but I'm looking for the positive. The "work" day is almost over and we completed all of our school work.  I got to see Honey at lunch, and I have been blessed to be able to stay at home while my kids are school age.  I love it when all my kids are home, hearing the laughter around the dinner table, the kidding, the interaction... I love seeing the excitement of Oldest joke around with Youngest while they clean up after dinner, seeing Honey smile, and believe it or not I love to see him tinker in the garage because that's what he loves to do.  It doesn't look like much fun to me, but it's his kind of relaxing. 

Today?  Got bran and banana muffins made for tonight's home group, am part way through school, schedules are way off and I'm not sure where Youngest has wandered off to. The Princess is croupy and grumpy, the cat threw up on the floor but has stopped peeing in the dog food (we think it's because of a UTI and not rebellion), it's raining again (we could use that) and the dog is ready for the padded cell because it's lightening and thundering and she's  a scardy dog... life will go on and I'm looking for the positive on another day in paradise.   The difference between Monday & today from yesterday - I didn't start my day talking to Him.  I knew better, but let the craziness of the morning take hold.  While not every day will be great, but it sure is better when I give it to Him... and you know what?  Just because I do give my day to Him, it may still be crazy... but how am I going to let it define me and how I handle it?

For He will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble.   Psalm 27:5

Keli from Internet Cafe Devotions stated:
  "I hear Jesus whispering in my ear, “Abide in me. Don’t let your circumstances define you or expect them to nurture you. Don’t sit back and hope the rains will come. Set your roots deep into me. Listen to me, follow me, love me. When you do, I promise you’ll not only survive, but you’ll thrive. When you’re…

…filled with sorrow, rest in me.
…overcome with worry, trust in me.
…drowning in despair, follow me.
…thirsting for a fresh word, listen to me.
…dabbling with doubt, obey me.
…a swirl with apathy, seek me.”
 I guess what I'm so slow about it realizing I need to bloom where He has planted me.  Some people are missionaries in foreign countries, people are talented and gifted leaders, artists, businessmen/women, sanitation workers, photographers, teachers, and more.  Me?  I'm learning to love where He put me, in a place that I prayed for when I was young, with my own mission field of kids being brought to me in the form of babysitting and tutoring.
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Flourchild said...

love your post..especially the reminder of Bloom where God plants you. I am so blessed to have so much in my life. I just pray I can be pleasing to God my savior!
I would love to see the bran/banana muffin recipe if you have time!
I enjoy your always inspire me.


Your great, honest and realistic post reminded me of my favorite quote on parenting (you could substitute homeschooling, too.) Mark Twain said, "Parenting is and inestimable blessing and bother." Sounds like you've had some of each. Praying for you as you serve your family as a mom and teacher.
