Thursday, November 22, 2012

Inspired to action: Praying for your kids

I remember vividly the months prior to when the kids were born.  We decided to not find out where we were getting a boy or girl... we liked the surprise element!  There is just something about carrying this precious unborn child in side of you,  You growing as the baby does, feeling those little pokes, and feet plants in all the wrong places.  I remembering dreaming, wondering, thinking, about this new little one soon to make their appearance.  Who they would look like, would they have hair, will they scream and cry or snuggle close.  I think in those moment, it didn't think about "so far in the future" when they will actually grow up and be real people. ...

I must have blinked my eyes at some point because those beautiful babies that God granted us, drove us to the brink of not even knowing who we were or that we had a life outside of our children.... Those children have grown up and now we're dealing with college, work schedules, homework, test, study groups, and ... GASP  - a boyfriend in the mix!!!!

When the kids were little, I remember praying for them - to accept Jesus in their hearts, to be kind and loving, to listen to what God is whispering in their hearts, to serve, and more, but in the back of my brain was this little voice niggling me in a whisper..."Pray for their future spouses" and I would always think that time would be so far away...

It's not so far away now and it really sends a cold wind ripping through my heart. Many years ago, a good friends gave us Watchmen on the Walls: Praying Charter into Your Child  by Anne Arkins and Gary Harrell. and used it and really liked it.  But  Recently I found  a calendar I could tape to my kitchen cabinet so I could refer to and remember each time I was in there.  Inspired to Action: Praying Daily for your Childrenfrom Inspired to Action email I receive.  It is simple, to the point, back with scripture.

So if you come into my home and you notice a calendar taped to my cabinet, it's my reminder each day how to specifically spray for my kids.  When I read it, I include their own names as it makes it more personal and helps to pray for each child specifically instead of lumping them  all in the same prayer.  I also pray the same pray for the little girls I keep.  While they are not physically mine, they do spend  much time here and they are part of our lives.

 Lord, please clothe my                                      Lord, please clothe Only/Youngest/Oldest
children with the virtue of                                with the virtue of compassion. Col. 3:12   
compassion. Col. 3:12                           

 You can also go as far as to pray for your kids future spouses... It's NEVER too early!   We do not assume that each of our children will marry or do we want to pressure them that they are only "complete" if they marry (but that is a whole other conversation).  If you do not have a reminder to help you remember to pray specifically for your children/grandids, etc, please download, print, and tape it where you would see it the most and use it.                                  

PS,  there is also a calendar Praying for Your Husband

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