Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Youngest's high school video

They tell you that your babies will grow in the blink of an eye.  You never quite believe it, especially if you are in the midst of diapers, potty training, school, and life.  Time seemingly passes slowly, yet somehow it is going at warp speed.  Here we are, on the brink of a new stage of life, with our toes to the line, ready to step over, yet reluctant.  Then it happens, and all the struggles, laughter, joy, and tears seem to fade for time as we rejoice that Youngest has graduated highschool... Poised on the edge for a new adventure of wherever God leads him.

I loved seeing the videos of the four that graduated on Saturday.  Much laughter and more than a few tears of remembering.  The videos, by no-means, define these kids that we have spent 18 years with as moms, teachers, chauffeur, etc,  They don't show the personalities and character developed and possessed by each, but rather a short time-warp glimpse of those first 18 years.

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