Yesterday evening, I sat with a friend in her vehicle, expecting to hear about her first few days in the classroom, as our boys were in their Boy Scout meeting. She was unusually quiet, though she is soft spoken, she was missing her usual smile.
Her son, the same age as Oldest, had moved out of their family home just days after his return from the Belize mission trip and moved in with his girlfriend. I was stunned. She said that he had told them he didn't believe as he used to, that God doesn't answer prayers or talk to him, and the Bible/God can't be proved He is real. It's as if he has rejected everything he was taught and what he professed he once believed. There have been many trials in their family and their children made their professions of faith without prompting...
She said they have been praying and petitioning God to change his heart. They're hearts are breaking. They are clinging to:
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
It frightens me a bit as well. We're just at the beginning of our Oldest going to college, being more independent, venturing out, us learning to let go, believing and trusting that he will make choices of the heart that verify He is still so present and guiding him in all his decisions and life choices. Oh, this makes my tremble,

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