Recent Gifts of Grace
Only in Belize |
- Protection for Raine's husband during a heart attack - often called the Widow Maker. Stint placed in artery.
- Temps so high (115º) that we hit a record for the country... no grass to mow because it's all dead!
- Messages from Only while on Belize Mission Trip
- Wonderful refreshing rain during drought and high temps (117º)
- Parents who don't spoil or give in to their kids to the point the children that they are more than difficult to be around.
- Youngest's movies he creates, frame by frame, action in motion, brain whirling, creating.
- Quiet evening with Honey
- Plump juicy watermelon
- Making mud puddles with youngest in the rain, mud squishing between toes.
- Children who listen to God, go, see through His eyes the needs and loveA babe, so new of God, from His hands and heart
- Seeing and hearing the words: Momma, Mommy, Mom
- Doctors who follow the calling to help, solve, and save
- To be a mom to three wonderful gifts God has given us.
- Safely back from Belize, Oldest and Only, hearts open to experiences You've given them.
- Oh, Sweet rain to a dry parched ground - quenching a thirst
- Hugs from my big kids. I so missed them when they were gone to Belize
- Sweet shy smiles and kisses from Miss I
- Mike and Amy (dear friends) are pregnant and due in March!!!
- Oldest has a JOB!!! Thank you God!!!
Miss J and Only at the Mayan Ruins |
If you would like to join in recording the Gifts that He has given you, or would like to learn about "A Dare to Live Fully, Right Where you Are: One Thousand Gifts , go to Ann's blog at
A Holy Experience and join people from all walks of life and places in the world as we Count His Gifts.
I loved your list. I am putting together a little Saturday morning six week study to reread 1,000 Gifts. Wished you lived next door and could join me.
Thank you dear cousin for your faithful prayers over my cowboy. Thank you God for answering prayers of many - not just for my needs but for the many answered prayers for others across the world. This past month has been a blurr. Caught in the amazement of God's miracles.
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