It's always a treat when I can find a few minutes to visit friends and people, via blogs. Many times, I find the messages written there are somehow just what I needed to read. I'd like to share some of the post and blogs that really inspired, educated, and touched me.
- Jamie at PrudentBaby showed her readers how to make Sun Butter. I have a few friends who have have children with severe Peanut/Nut allergies (one is air born) and I was so excited to see Jamie's post. I know that Sun Butter (like peanut butter, but made from sunflower seeds is very expensive to purchase, but safe for those with peanut allergies). Made sure I passed this on to those friends, but I'm tempted to try it myself!
- Christina from Denmark, (Photographer and Life Coach) at Divas and Dreams really spoke to my heart when she honestly wrote how Comparison Kills and self esteem.
When our "inner critic monster" wants to sabotage our passion and creativity by comparing itself to another, it distract us from our flow, owning our value and unique contribution.
- Jhen Stark at From Here to Eternity for her honest post that lead me to Christina
- The Money Saving Queen wrote about being The Balance Queen
For the sake of complete honesty, this area has become a major struggle for me. I'm only mentioning it today because I know God is all about balance and if you are out of balance you can also easily take yourself out from the blessings of God as well. I've seen this in my own life. It is important to keep balance in all things
- I loved Robin Dance's post at incourage about Just Breathe (marriage)
- If you're needing a fun and simple experiment to do with your kids, try this experiment with "Magic Milk" and food coloring. Can you guess what we're going to study and do this week with the girls? Cows and milk!
I'm so glad you stopped by for a short visit. I would love to hear what has been going on with you this week!

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