Thursday, January 20, 2011

Once upon a snowy day

Their pudgy noses pressed against the front door.  For once Oldest and Only were not in time out, but desperately searching for a sign.  Silently they waiting in their fleece footie jammies, little hands against the glass feeling the cold of the outside world, leaving fingerprints low on the glass.  Their breath fogging up their view as the sun peaked over the treetops, a silhouetting orange glow framed the silent tree limbs. 
"Mommy!  I see it!" they called anxiously beckoning me to them.  Joining them, I peered into the morning light, searching with them for what they imagined.

There, floating lazily down to touch the yard's cold, barren cover, was a lone snowflake, giving hope and laughter to two small kids.  Their lips turned upward as the corners of their eyes wrinkled, their smiles reaching their sparkling eyes while their hands wiped at the foggy glass.

"Sissy!  Did you see it?"
"Bubba, i see it!  Can we go out?"
" Oh!  There's another one and another!" 
Lady loves the snow!

Icy treats
By now their little feet are dancing and hands clapping in anticipation, questioning faces looking up at me, eyes shifting between me and their heavy winter coats... I can see I've already lost this one. 

That was so long ago, but so freshly pressed in my mind as I viewed the falling snow this morning.  Snowflake after snowflake joining together to form a beautiful white carpet on our yard.  The fingerprints are no longer low on the glass and they do not wait eagerly by the door for that first sign of snow.  They snuggle deep under piles of quilts, with their phones close to their faces, groggily reading the text announcing "No School" for them... I miss those playful day, but am thankful for a beautiful day off to rest.

I hope that where ever you are, that today some delightful memory will be pressed in your mind, like the image of a snow angel, or little upturned faces, tongues out, catching feathery flakes from God. post signature

1 comment:

Flourchild said...

What a great post! I love snow days!! YOur pictures are so much fun!